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Free tools from Fatora

We offer you many free tools that help you in your business project.

Such as: invoice creation form, barcode creation and reading, ready-made invoice forms, and feasibility study forms.

ادوات مجانية من فاتورة1 02
نموذج انشاء فواتير

Invoice creation template

Create an invoice easily and professionally online via a simplified template

انشاء وقراءة باركود

Generate and scan Barcodes

Generate custom barcodes quickly, scan them and read their information.

نماذج فواتير جاهزة

Ready-made invoice templates

A variety of ready-to-use invoice templates that you can modify to suit your needs.

نماذج دراسة جدوى

Feasibility study models

Professional examples that illustrate the most important elements of feasibility studies, which you can modify according to your needs.