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Customer Testimonails

fatora is an ideal experience for us because we had difficulty collecting monthly subscriptions then coordinated and tracked them but our use of fatora provided us with easy and more organized solutions for online payment periodically, all thanks to the team who helped us all the time and when facing Any problems or inquiries .

Customer Testimonails

We were looking for an easy way to create invoices, follow-up and payment through payment cards. There is no doubt that the most important characteristic of fatora is the simplicity of creating invoices and follow-up clearly from sending and even payment.

Customer Testimonails

fatora is a very special .. the most important features is ease of payment and speed of sales, which helped us to increase the number of customers صwho feel comfortable when paying through a direct link we send to them, also enabled us to add some conditions such as the terms of payment to each customer separately. we have developed our business because we were getting periodic reports of accounts very accurately.

Customer Testimonails

EASY Online Payment Platform and speed in sending invoices and paid it by the Internet, we also like the diversity between manual and automatic recurring invoices.

Customer Testimonails

using Fatora helped us reach our customers outside Qatar and collect the invoices easily The teamwho working was very helpful in providing excellent service to us and our customers and this helped us in increasing the number of customers because they want to use online payment They were satisfied with the payment process..

Set of tools that help you sell your product and services online