Integrate Fatora With Magento Store

You can integrate any magento website with Fatora, follow this steps.

Step1: Download Plugin

  1. Download Fatora payment gateway Magento2 extension from Here.

  2. Download the Payment Module archive, unpack it and upload it to. root/app/code/Gateway/Maktapp of your Magento 2 installation.

  3. Enable the extension and clear static view files: $ php bin/magento module:enable Gateway_Maktapp --clear-static-content

  4. Register the extension: $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  5. Deploy Magento Static Content: $ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Step1: Access to admin dashboard

  1. Go to your website and login to your account

Step2: Configuration

  1. Login to the Admin Panel and go to Stores > Configuration


  2. Select Sales > Payment Method then Find Maktapp payment method


  3. Configure Maktapp payment method extension:

    • Set Enabled to yes
    • Enter the title e.g: Fatora
    • Set Success Page Url e.g:
    • Set Failure Page Url e.g:
    • Set API Token
    • Set Staging Mode true to active live mode
    • Save Config


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