flow Payment Flow

The diagram below shows a high-level representation of a typical payment flow using the standard checkout API.

payment flow

Payment Flow Steps:

  1. The client (card holder) clicks the checkout button, you (the merchant) collect data of the order, such as name, e-mail, and so on. Send these data to the Fatora payment gateway using Standard Checkout API.

  2. The Fatora payment gateway will return the checkout page URL to which you should redirect your client in order to complete the payment.

  3. The client accesses the checkout page on the Fatora secure payment gateway. The Fatora checkout page offers multiple payment methods, allowing your client to complete the payment using the payment method of his choice. Read more information about supported payment methods.

  4. The client fills in his valid card details (card number, CVV, month, year), and completes the payment, Fatora will process the payment and redirect your client to the success page | failure page depending on the transaction status and notify you by a webhook if you have set up before.

In the case of tokenization, the payment flow is the same as Standard Checkout, but when Fatora redirects your client to the success page, it sends an additional parameter called card token, you will use it in the future to deduct from the client without redirecting him to the checkout page.

For the mobile app, the payment flow will be the same with little difference. For more information see Mobile Integration

test-payment Testing Payment Integration

You can test payment flow by setting your account on test mode. You can change your account mode from live to test by following the below steps:

  1. Log in to your Fatora account, or sign up for new one.

  2. Choose the Integration from the sidebar navigation, then click on Settings.


If you don't have an account in Fatora, you can test payment integration using a public API key which is provided in API samples. API key = E4B73FEE-F492-4607-A38D-852B0EBC91C9.

In the test mode, you would be redirected to the testing checkout page (as below), please use CCV=123 to test payment success and other values for failure.



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