Mobile Integration
Fatora gateway offers a solution for integrating mobile payment and your application. It is based on the use of the WebView component. Fatora also offers SDK for native IOS and Android applications and Ionic applications
Payment Process

Steps to make integrate a payment gateway in a mobile app:
The mobile application initializes the standard checkout API request via the merchant server.
The merchant server sends the standard checkout API request to the gateway.
The Fatora gateway generates a checkout URL and returns it to the mobile application.
The merchant server sends a checkout URL to the mobile application.
The mobile application opens the checkout page in a WebView.
The client enters his or her card details and clicks pay.
When your client completes the payment, Fatora gateway will redirect to the default Fatora success | failure page including payment_id, order_id, and transaction_id in the query parameter,
- then redirects to your success_url | failure_url page if you passed them at requesting the Standard Checkout API, including order_id, transaction_id, and response_code in the query parameters.
- sends a push notification if you passed fcm_token at requesting the Standard Checkout API.
triggers your webhook, if you configure webhook, passing parameters to URL in this
form: transaction_id=XXXXXX&order_id=XXXXXX&mode=XXX& response_code=XXX&description=XXXXXXXXXX
your app must listen to Webview URL change event, if it is equal to the Fatora completion URL(success|failure), it should redirect the client to the completion page.
Server Key
To get server key you must following these steps:
- Go to Firebase Google and then go to the console.
- If you have your project so you need to open it and then from the settings icon on the top left behind project overview choose (Project settings) after that you should choose (Cloud Messaging) Tab that is included (Server key)
- If you don’t have a project you should create it first by clicking (Add Project) to connect your mobile apps (android, iOS, or both), when you finish creating it you should go back to step 2 to get your app (Server key).